Harrogate High School

Parents & Students

These pages contain useful information for parents and students.  If there is anything you would like to know that is not included here, please contact the school.

´´I just love this school´´ Student

Achievement Team

Our Achievement Team, led by Mrs Wilkinson (Assistant Head and SEN Co-ordinator) comprises: the Learning Managers, who look after students´ progress and achievement; the Inclusion team who support students with SEN both in and out of the classroom; the Attendance team and the Health Support Officer.

Further information about the Attendance team and Health Support Officer can be found on the "Attendance & Student Support Team" page.

More information about our Achievement Team can be found below.

Student Support

Attendance & Student Support

Please find all our student support information here.

Parents/carers should notify the Attendance Team of any student absencse by 8.30am. This can be done by phoning 01423 554087.


This section contains details of the curriculum offered at Harrogate High School.


At Harrogate High School we offer a lot more than academic excellence.

Through our enrichment programme, we aim to cultivate students´ wider interests and aspire to develop well-rounded, self-confident and resilient young people who are equipped for life in modern Britain.  These activites run between 2:30pm and 3:30pm unless otherwise stated.  

For further information on our extensive enrichment program, please click below.


´´I really like the after-school sports clubs and the teachers, who are friendly and supportive´´ Student


Home to School Transport

Home to school transport is provided by North Yorkshire County Council free of charge for eligible students.  AS Coaches also provide a service for non-eligible students travelling to Jennyfields and Skipton Road (New Park). Click the button below for more on home to school transport.


Copies of letters sent home are available to view here

picture of art work relating to English


Information on our whole school literacy initiatives.

Information and Online Resources


Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. The Childnet website hosts all the online resources detailed below, as well as a number of recommended resources for young people, parents, carers and teachers. www.childnet.com

Online Learning

Online Learning

We have a wide range of online learning resources and materials within Harrogate High School. These can be undertaken in school or/and at home. Please find informtaion about what we offer here.


Our new online payments system - ParentPay - is now live.  EVEN IF YOUR SON/DAUGHTER DOES NOT TAKE SCHOOL MEALS, you should register with activation code we provided you.  We intend to use ParentPay to communicate with parents, saving the school a significant amount of money on postage.  If you do not register, you may not receive information about your son/daughter.

Please see contact our office staff if you have any problems with this or you do not have access to e-mail and we will make suitable arrangements.

Parent Portal Website

Our brand new Parent Portal Website is a convenient way for you to keep up to date with your child´s progress and other important school information.

You can use this online portal to:

  1. View your child´s latest Assignments
  2. Access letters to parents
  3. Check your child´s attendance
  4. View your child´s lesson timetable

Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to tell Oftsed what you think about your child´s school. Find all the information within these pages.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium and Catch up Funding

This page gives details of the extra funding given to the school to support students eligible for Free School Meals, Looked After students and those with parents in the Armed Forces.  It also includes details of the Catch-Up Premium for lower ability students joining in Year 7.

You can see how much the school gets, how we have spent the money to improve learning and provide additional opportunities and the impact this has had so far.

School Day

School Day

Please click below for information on the school day.



Please click on the link to get advice and guidance on our Safeguarding procedures.

School Dining

School Dining

We have a wide range of healthy meals and snacks at reasonable prices provided for us by Chartwells Catering. Explore the pages below for examples of our menus and special theme days. Our nutritionally balanced menus include a range of healthy options such as jacket potatoes, Pasta Pasta pots, fresh fruit, fruit drinks and salad boxes. A hot main meal with pudding is available daily at just £2.10.



Harrogate High School has very high standards with regard to uniform. 

Uniform is available from Rawcliffes on East Parade, Harrogate.  Jackets, shirts, skirts and trousers together with PE shirts are badged items and may not be subsituted for non-badged items.

Please click on the Download button below for a list of the uniform required.



What to do if...

What to do if...

Click below for the answers to students´ most frequently asked questions.