Harrogate High School

Northern Star Academies Trust

About the Northern Star Academies Trust


Northern Star Academies Trust was established in April 2015 following a close partnership of the two founder schools: Skipton Girls´ High School and Harrogate High School.  New Park Primary Academy joined the trust in December 2015. 

Northern Star is a growing multi-academy trust that champions the learning of students, teachers and all associate staff. We are committed to providing a high quality educational and learning experience for all. Our unique partnership will work to develop strong schools, able to serve their local community, by providing high quality learning experiences and resources.

We are passionate about teaching, learning and strong leadership. Our mission is to create a family of outstanding academy schools serving the primary and secondary phases of education in North Yorkshire and the surrounding areas, thereby preparing our young people for success at high quality universities, in apprenticeships or leading in the workplace or their local community. We will achieve our ambition by working together, sharing professional expertise and celebrating the success of students and colleagues at every opportunity.

Based on the traditional values of respect for the individual, hard work and equality, our school improvement model centres on collaboration, teamwork and quality systems and structures. As we grow we will maintain and focus on the improvement and expansion of the quality of the services provided to all academies within the trust.

By working together we will achieve more for our young people!

Andrew Bayston: Chief Executive Officer



Northern Star Academies Trust